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Gyakorlás (getting there) 2022. augusztus 28.
Kapcsolódó poszt: Getting there
alany + létige (am/are/is) + getting there
- I ...... getting there with MY English. Haladok az angollal. (én)
- ....... .... getting there with HIS book. Halad a könyvével. (férfi)
- ....... .... getting there with HER book. Halad a könyvével. (nő)
- ....... .... getting there with THE WEBSITE. Haladunk a weboldallal. (mi)
- ....... .... getting there. Haladnak. (ők)
- I am getting there with my English. Haladok az angollal.
- He is getting there with his book. Halad a könyvével. (férfi)
- She is getting there with her book. Halad a könyvével. (nő)
- We are getting there with the website. Haladunk a weboldallal.
- They are getting there. Haladnak.